Thursday, 15 December 2022

4 Reasons Why Your Website Needs an SEO Audit

 Here are the top 4 reasons why your website needs an SEO audit:

       An SEO audit highlights technical issues preventing your site from ranking highly on search engines.

These include:

·         Loading speed

·         Image size

·         Redirect issues

·         Architecture issues

·         Coding issues

2. It will identify on-page issues

Your on-page SEO should make it as easy as possible for search engine algorithms to scan, index and rank your site.

Possible on-site SEO issues that might need to be fixed include:

·         Meta titles

·         Meta descriptions

·         Headers

·         Content

·         Linking

3. It will identify competitor sites

Understanding your rivals’ SEO strategy will allow you to differentiate your marketing mix and rank higher.

4. It will identify backlinks

An SEO audit will show you:

·         How many backlinks does your site has

·         The quality of those links

·         What backlinks do your competitors have

An SEO audit is a way of understanding how well your website is performing. Armed with this information you can go about creating a marketing strategy that meets your needs and gets your business noticed.

Without an SEO strategy, all your marketing and SEO efforts are simply ‘hit and hope’ with no way of determining ROI.  

SML Solutions is a multi-award-winning digital marketing agency in Leeds that offers SEO packages to small and medium businesses. We will carry out a full SEO audit of your website, implement necessary changes and then monitor your SEO monthly, dealing with any potential issues before they become a problem for your business.

For more details or to arrange an SEO audit, call today.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Why Blogging Should Be Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Blogging is a fantastic way to generate organic traffic, particularly for those prospects who have not yet decided whether they want to buy. It can allow you to answer their questions, establish credibility and guide them to your site.

Even if you only publish once a month, it will enhance your website's visibility and online presence. If you have the time and skills, you can write and post blogs yourself. If not, you can get a digital marketing agency to do them for you.

As a UK company, if you decide to hire an agency, make sure it’s a UK digital marketing agency. This is because you want it to be well written and even choosing one from another English-speaking country can result in errors because your writer doesn’t understand the nuances of the language.

SML Solutions is a multi-award-winning digital marketing agency in Leeds that serves clients all over the UK.

We offer a whole range of services from SEO solutions to blogging and social media marketing. To discuss your needs and get set to kick off 2023 with an enhanced online presence, call today.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Why Your Business Needs an SEO Agency

As a business owner, you’re always looking for the best way to drive interest and revenue for your business online.

As online browsing, mobile shopping, and online-first business practices continue to become the best way to connect with your audience, search engines (and search engine rankings) are now more important than ever before.

A massive amount of internet traffic takes place in search engines, with Google having by far the biggest slice of the pie. And this means that ranking highly is crucial to give you a competitive edge and drive revenue growth.

Quite simply, SEO is one of the most successful forms of marketing out there. And in the same way, you wouldn’t take care of your own accounts or try to fix a leaking pipe in your home or office, when it comes to SEO, it’s always best to get in the experts. Because even if you know all there is to know about onsite SEO, offsite SEO, backlinks, etc, the chances are you don’t have the time to do it properly.

And why would you risk doing half a job on what is potentially your biggest revenue driver?

SML Solutions is a multi-award-winning SEO agency in Leeds that serves clients across the UK and around the world. We take care of all your SEO needs and include services such as:

        Web design

        Web development

        Digital marketing

        Social media marketing


Done properly, SEO can take your business to the next level. Do it badly, and you will rank behind all those competitors who have invested in getting their SEO right. And that makes what little time or money you have put into it a waste of resources.

If you’re ready to use SEO to drive your business forward, get in touch today.

Monday, 12 September 2022

Do I Need Social Media Marketing?

Yes. Every brand needs social media marketing.

Why? Because regardless of your product or service, the people you want to connect with are on social media.

But if you thought social media marketing was as simple as posting messages every now and again, it’s time for a rethink.

Marketing must connect with your target audience. It can be:



        Lead generating

        Intended for data capture

But whatever your intention, the first thing your content must do is catch their attention. Just imagine how many posts we all scroll past every day. So, what can you do to make sure your posts get noticed?

You need a social media marketing strategy.

And that’s no small undertaking. To establish a presence on social media, you need to be posting valuable, relevant content on a regular basis. But how do you find time to do that amongst everything else you need to be doing every day?

You find a reliable and trusted team of experts to take care of your marketing needs for you.

SML Solutions is an award-winning digital marketing agency in Leeds that serves clients all over the UK and across the world.

We combine social media marketing with SEO content, web design, and blogging to provide the ideal marketing mix for any sector. We take the time to understand your business and your target market and then create a digital marketing strategy that is aligned with your consumer base and objectives.

To find out more, call 0113 821 4545 or enquire online.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Essentials of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a fast-moving industry with new tools and techniques being made available all the time. Sometimes it can seem impossible to keep up with the pace of change and you can feel overwhelmed by everything there is to keep on top of.

Fortunately, the fundamentals of digital marketing don’t change.

So, here is a quick run-through of the essentials of digital marketing:

·         Know your USP and make sure your clients know it too. This should be front and centre of all your marketing efforts.

·         Know your customers. Take time to understand them and make sure you meet them in their digital space.

·         Keep on top of SEO. This is vital to ensure you get noticed online

·         Have an SEM strategy that is aligned with your SEO strategy.

·         Use data and analytics to understand results and enhance your future digital marketing plans

·         Be tech-savvy. Digital marketing is driven by technological advancements. You need to be at the forefront of new tech and software so you have a decent handle on what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s coming.

·         Be clear and persuasive. Highlight the features and benefits of what you do. Speak directly to your target consumers and guide them through the sales funnel.

Digital marketing is crucial to business success in 2022 and beyond. Getting it right takes time and expertise. If you don’t have the time or expertise to devote to ensuring your digital marketing strategy is the success you need it to be, a digital marketing agency will take on that responsibility for you and leave you to focus on what you do best.

SML Solutions is an award-winning digital marketing agency in Leeds that serves clients from across the UK and all around the world.

Get in touch today to see how we can take your digital marketing to the next level.