Friday 19 March 2021

What is the difference between onsite SEO and offsite SEO?

SEO is the art of attracting visitors to your website which, like all forms of art, requires creativity to help you stand out. But it’s also the science of attracting visitors to your website which, like all sciences, requires understanding of the right formula to produce the right result.

Onsite SEO focuses on how your site appears to users and how it is noticed and ranked by search engines. It uses techniques such as keyword density and proximity (ie how often you use keywords and how you space them out) to help Google and others work out what your site is all about and show it to users trying to find your services.

Offsite SEO refers to what is going on in the background. Backlinks, meta tags and other devices are employed in line with what search engines are looking for to help boost your site up those rankings and get it noticed.

Getting the right combination of art and science to ensure your site ranks highly is something anyone can learn – if they have the time. The problem that many small and medium businesses face is that their time is spent focusing on their core business, naturally. But what that means is they don’t have time to focus on SEO to grow their business.

That’s where SML Solutions comes in. SML is a digital marketing agency in Leeds that offers a range of UK SEO packages to suit companies of all shapes and sizes. If you’re looking to expand your digital presence but don’t have the time to dedicate to it yourself, get in touch. We’re based in Leeds but have clients across the UK and beyond and we’d love to help you reach your full potential.