Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Benefits of Using WordPress for Your Website

WordPress is the most popular open-source management system for building websites and enjoys 76.4% of the global CMS market share.

There are several reasons why it is so popular. Here are just some of them:

1.       Easy one-click installation with no coding required.

2.       Easy to use. It was designed for non-technical users.

3.       Cost-effective and can even be used for free in some instances.

4.       SEO friendly.

5.       Mobile friendly. Essential for engaging modern consumers.

6.       Automatic updates.

7.       Over 54,000 available plugins.

8.       Security features.

9.       Wide choice of design options.

10.   Blogging capability. Great for SEO.

11.   Unlimited flexibility.

12.   Masses of functionality.

13.   User-friendly.

14.   Plenty of support forums.

15.   Infinitely scalable.

Despite all these great reasons for using WordPress, some people are still reluctant to create their own website – or simply don’t have the time.  And that’s where SML Solutions comes in.

SML is a multi-award-winning SEO agency and web development company based in Leeds with customers in the UK and abroad.

We can create websites on WordPress, Magento, or whichever platform is right for your business. And we’ll help you work out the functionality to give you the confidence to manage your website yourself.

To talk to us about web design and SEO services, get in touch.